Persistent & Determination from within the Heart!
- Joe Liew Y L -

29 September, 2010

8 Weeks Challenge - by Original BootCamp

The 8 Week Challenge - by Australia Original BootCamp

Well...I joined Original BootCamp since June 2010, Hardcore military Physical Training and now might as well join the "8 Week Challenge" for the sake of challenging myself!

Here's how it work:
Chief brabon & Gunny Emily (both from Australia) will provides all Original BootCampers who sign up for this challenge the Guidelines in Diets & Physical Trainings session in these 8 weeks.

1st comes "THE GLADIATOR DIET" - the secret formula revealed,
by gunny whom provide us contestant the guidelines & shopping list of what to eat & buy (*STRICTLY following the guidelines & list).  Gunny is kind enough to provide us a list of Gladiator Diet food menu which turns out to be Yummilicious!  For a total of 8 weeks we will be eating the same diet source.

2nd comes the Physical Training catered to contestants known as "INFERNO" - Metabolic Acceleration by Chief Brabon.
We do sets & sets of trainings which we've worked out in our normal OBC sessions. 
Chief had customized our Physical Training styles inconjunction for contestant to workout constantly.

Participants from Original BootCamp @ BU (OBC-BU)
Was told by Armin there are approximately 20-25 participants from OBC Malaysia,  Luckily all bootcampers are very supportive towards each other. 
"Band of Buddies in Trainings, Pains, Challenges, Hungers and Competing!"

We compete against each other to win the challenge, BUT more importantly to be there for each other in needs & in dire times.  To take the next-step together side-by-side in encouragement!  That's why we FaceBook each other to support and for supports.  This is OBC-BU!

Diet Foods for thought!

My cooking - 3 slices of Low Fat Ham,
Pan-Fried Salmon & 2 eggs (No Yolks)

Sarge Dann Grilled Dorry,
5 slice of Grilled Chicken & 5 eggs (w/o yolks) 

Armin's Grilled chicken breast with Cajun Spice
(Nawal's cooking is always welcoming in OBC-BU)


Adibah's Salmon Steak marinated with Curry Powder
& sprinkle with egg whites

Gunny & Chief's Smoked Chinken Breast
w/ Quag Spread for starter

Chief & Gunny's Salmon & Garlic Prawns

My Thoughts on this
Entering to my 2nd day of the "8 Week Challenge" these are what I'm feeling:
1) Super Duper HUNGRY (Most of them is CRAVING)
2) Restless
3) Exhausted (Constant Physical Workout w/ INFERNO program)
4) Increase Determination
5) Discipline
6) Soft-Spoken (Dun feels like talking much)
7) Work distracted me away from hunger in day-time.

I had been on my personal diet since I started OBC back in JUNE'2010.  I had been cutting my rice/carbo to 1/2 bowl per week, with only vegetables and white-meats.  Sugar consumption removed, I'm drinking coffee, tea, soya milk, barley, and others in its natural form.

I like challenges to discover my true self!

(*Contestants & Participants for This 8 Weeks Challenge comes from Original BootCampers of Australia & Malaysia.)

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