Persistent & Determination from within the Heart!
- Joe Liew Y L -

04 October, 2011

Kasih Hospice Charity Fair

Kasih Hospice Charity Fair - 2011

Date: 20th-November-2011
Venue: SJK (C) Sungai Way,
Jalan SS 9A/1, Seri Setia,
47300, Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Time: 9am - 3pm
Tel: (+603) 7960-7424

Kasih Hospice Charity Fair
fund Raising event hosted by Kasih foundation (Non-Profit Organization) in aid of Kasih Hospice Care Society to provide Medical, Psychosocial, Emotional & Spiritual Support to patients and family members of patients with chronic and life-threatening diseases such as Cancer, HIV/Aids, and end stage organ failures.  These services are provided teams of dedicated doctors, nurses and volunteers in locations of hospitals and home-visits.  All services are provided to the needed general public FREE OF CHARGE at the expense of Kasih Hospice Care Society (KHC)

* Details of Kasih Foundation & Kasih Hospice Care Society (KHC) are as folow: ,

What is Kasih Foundation
Kasih FOundation (Yayasan Kasih, Co No: 791567-T) was incorporated on 10-Oct-2007 as a company limited by guarantee, and is governed by a board of directors.  The objects for which the company is established are to reveice and administer funds to initiate, promote, organize and develop programs, activities, and services for charitable purposes, especially in medical care and education irrespective of Race, Creed or Religion.  Funds donated will benefit from tax exemption by the Inland Revenue of Malaysia.

What is Kashi Hospice Care Society (KHC)
Kasih Hospice Care Society is a non-profit organization registered under registrar of society on 4th-March-2005 (Registration Number: 0291-05-5).  Kasih Hospice Care Society provides medical, psychosocial, emotional and spiritual supports to people with life threatening diseases such as Cancer, HIV/Aids, and end stage organ failures, and their families.  The services are provided by dedicated doctors, nurses and volunteers, both at hospitals and at home.  All services are free of charge. (